Mr. NeerajkumarSureshchandraAgrawal, Managing Director
Mr. NeerajkumarSureshchandraAgrawal, aged 46 years is Chairman and Managing Director and also the Promoter of our Company. He is qualified Chartered Accountant .He was appointed on the Board on January 29, 2013 and further designated as the Chairman and Managing Director of the Company on December 18, 2017 for a period of 5 years =He is further re-appointed as Managing Director of the company for further period of 5 years in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022 with effect from 18 December 2022 till 17 December 2027. He is looking after core management of the company and entrepreneur, active and enthusiastic in business activities. He has been instrumental in taking major policy decision of the Company. He has experience of more than 22 years in our industry. He is playing vital role in formulating business strategies and effective implementation of the same. He is responsible for the expansion and overall management of the business of our Company. His leadership abilities have been instrumental in leading the core team of our Company
Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta, Whole-Time Director
Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta aged 70 years, is the Whole Time Director of our Company. He holds a degree of Bachelor of Commerce and LLB. He was originally appointed on the Board on January 29, 2013 and further designated as the Whole Time Director of the Company on December 18, 2017 liable to retire by rotation. The proposal for his reappointment on attaining the age of 70 years was approved in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022 He is further reappointed for 5 years with effect from 18th December 2022. He has a profound experience of more than 45 years in cattle feed manufacturing industries. He has vast experience and knowledge in manufacturing industry and has displayed strong entrepreneur skills and management capabilities by building up this industry. He is involved in the business right from conceptualization stage to execution stage like planning, monitoring the all activities. He looks after Administration, HR & Finance.
Mr. Ganesh BhavarlalPrajapati, Non-Executive & Independent Director
Mr. Ganesh BhavarlalPrajapatiaged 40 years is Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He was originally appointed on the Board on December 07, 2017 He is further reappointed in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022for the second term of 5 years with effect from 7th December 2022 . He holds a degree in Bachelor of Commerce from Gujarat University. He is having more than 14 years of experience in the field of finance, accountancy and taxations related work for a professionally managed company with a good organizational objective, in a capacity that holds responsibility, challenge, and scope for organizational and personal, development and growth.
Mrs. NidhiDineshbhai Patel, Non-Executive & Independent Director
Ms. NidhiDineshbhai Patel aged 32 Years is Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company appointed on December 07, 2017.She is further reappointed as Independent Director of the company for further period of 5 years in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022 with effect from 7th December 2022. She holds Degree of Master in Computer Applications from Gujarat Technological University. She possess excellent computer skills and the ability to develop or create computer applications and programs, understand and utilize various computer languages, as well as provide maintenance and repair to different types of applications, among others.
Miss. PoojaAidasani, Additional Non-Executive & Independent Director
Miss. PoojaAidasani aged 30 years is Non-Executive Independent Director of the company. She is the member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Company Secretary by Profession. She was appointed on the Board on 6th June 2022 as Additional Independent Director of the company and further regularised as Independent Director of the company in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022. She is well versed with interpretation of Laws with applicable rules and Regulations. She has impeccable understanding of Business. The ultimate result her expertise is cemented with her good to excellent communication, networking and interpersonal skills.
Mr.GauravDineshkumarAgarwal, Additional Non-Executive & Independent Director
Mr. GauravDineshkumarAgarwal aged 41 years is Non- Executive Independent Director of the company. He is a Chartered Accountant by profession. He was appointed on the Board on 6th June 2022 as Additional Independent Director of the company and further regularized as Independent Director of the company in the Annual General Meeting held on 1st July 2022. Being Chartered Account by profession he has profound experience in the field of finance and legalization. Hepossess a stable working track record, excellent oral and written communication skills, and is highly knowledgeable in the broad spectrum of accounting practices.